Dr. S. Johnson Raj, with M.S.W., M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Social Work, also holds M.A. in Psychology. He has over two decades of experience in working with NGOs facilitating Networking, Training, Capacity Building, Evolving Visions and Perspectives to respond to local area and people specific needs in the emerging global context.
He has vast experience in working with INGOs and NGOs in evolving programmes, monitoring and evaluation of projects. His contributions have enabled many development organisations to evolve appropriate systems and procedures to manage the organisation with a long term perspective and sustainability in mind.
In the post tsunami context, he played a dynamic role in co-ordinating the activities of the NGOs and INGOs involved in relief and rehabilitation in Kanniyakumari district and provided technical support to implement the programmes effectively. An effective co-ordination mechanism was established in collaboration with the district administration.
Along with a team of scholars and experts, he took the lead in co-ordinating and publishing Kanniyakumari Vision 2020, a comprehensive development document for the district Kanniyakumari as part of the post tsunami development plans.
He is a founder member of Professional Social Workers Forum, Kanniyakumari.
His experience in working with NGOs at different levels and understanding the uniqueness of NGO sector motivated him to establish Pro-Vision to make development initiatives more effective and impact oriented. As the Chief Executive of Pro-Vision, he has given new direction and dynamism to Pro-Vision with the support of the Trustees, Staff and Partners of Pro-Vision.